Kerala Porota is synonymous with Kerala's hotels or its 'thattukadas'. I just finished my brunch...ate some porotas with my andhra egg curry. Vow! Made for each other they are, yaar ! Ever since my mom told me that easy recipe to make 'porota', I have stopped filling my freezer with those frozen porotas we get at the kerala shops in Birmingham. Though a bit fatty, kerala porota is too good to resist with some real spicy veg or nonveg curry.
maida-500g (4 10 porotas)
milk-1/4 cup
Oil-3 Tbsp
ghee/dalda-2 tbsp(melted) (You can again use oil as well)
Water & salt-as required
Blend egg well with milk, water and salt and add this to the flour. Knead the mixture well enough to a consistency slightly loose than that of chappathi. Cover the dough with a wet cloth and leave it for 2 or 3hrs. Then divide it into balls of equal size(a big lemon size). Apply some oil and roll it out into thin rounds like chappathi. Again pour some generous amount oil/ghee/dalda and then roll the 'chappathi' from both the ends towards the middle. Hold the 'chappathi' from one end and curl it into a flat round roll. Keep doing the same with the remaining balls. Once finished, take the first roll and roll it out flat using a roller pin once again, not too thin and roast it on a hot tava, pressing it occasionally, so that it starts bulging...Once you have made a few 'porotas' like this, hold 2 porotas and smash it against each other, so that it will turn out to be soft and layered. Serve hot with any of your spicy curries.
[Kerala Paratha]
[Kerala food]
[Kerala recipes]
Do you pleat the chappathi or do you roll?
I roll it..I think the next time I make it I should take the step by step snap.
You need to roll it from both the ends towards the centre...then hold one end of the rolled chappathi and curl it into a round.
I stumbled across your blog while I was searching for Egg curry and Appam, had such tasty egg curry- christian style without the tomato n am in search of the same...
You sure are so sweet to share your recipes as the persons home where I had this wont tell the recipe....I so want to make almost everything you have here! its amazing n I am too excited!! :)
thanx scribblez for dropping in and all the kind words...u r right some are too possessive of their knowledge and skills and try to have a kind of dominance by not sharing but the new generation with all these food blogging are better off with a yearning to share their knowledge and learn too...
Dear Dear Dear Indianadoc......i m too from the famous Kozhikode...and am finding ur site very very homely.....really great job..guess ur name is shiny as i enquired from Mr.Maddy...hope to get ur email id...mine is tmparimalam@gmail.com
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